Our investment solutions
Investing with us
Featuring a range of high-quality investment solutions that clients, subject to advice, are free to select, and combine, to best suit their needs, our single open architecture investment platform has been designed to evolve in line with regulatory and industry developments.
Our investment solutions are built around 3 key pillars:
The 3 pillars of our investment solutions platform
Our single open architecture investment platform offers access to an extensive range of funds from both Fidelity and other leading fund managers across a variety of management styles, asset classes and risk profiles. Passive and active fund options include equity, property, diversified growth, ethical, fixed income and money market funds.
Our investment capabilities mean clients are able to move new funds onto our platform and tailor-make their portfolios allowing for changes to managers, funds and asset allocation without impacting your employees. Specific solutions can include bespoke lifestyle strategies as well as white labelled and blended funds.
The Fidelity platform is robust. Our experience in managing investment platforms shows we have the capability of managing high volumes of activity without compromising control or quality. Embedded governance ensures appropriateness, value for money and quality for your employees, while our detailed approach to the selection, monitoring and de-selection of managers sets a clear benchmark for the market.
Investing with ease
Our default investment strategy, FutureWise, helps your members to prepare for retirement effectively and to look after their savings when they get there. It is designed by our investment experts, backed by rigorous governance and built around members’ needs.
The investment strategy dynamically adapts throughout a member’s life and gives them the flexibility to aim for the future they want. Our focus on sustainability integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process, capitalises on Fidelity’s engagement with companies and aims to halve carbon emissions by 2030*, with net zero reached by 2050.
FutureWise is continually evolving and innovating to meet the future needs of your business and your members. We use our investment expertise, foresight and sustainable approach to ensure that together we can build a better future, starting today.
Find out more about FutureWise
Bespoke investment strategies
Subject to appropriate investment advice, our team can also help create a more bespoke lifestyle strategy where:
- Each design can incorporate a range of investment funds including tailored portfolios
- Member accounts are automatically switched when your employees move into a new phase of the lifestyle matrix
- There is freedom to choose the duration and profile of the switching process
- Switching and rebalancing can be carried out quarterly (if there is only one fund in the accumulation phase) or annually
Your fund options
Fidelity clients have the flexibility to create their own investment menu, subject to investment advice, to suit their requirements, offering either our full range, a selection of funds, or a core investment selection as well as satellite specialist investment options.
Our current range of fund options includes:
Charge disclosure
We have Costs and charges on our Workplace Pensions website to support trustees in providing transaction cost data and illustrations to show members the impact of costs and charges on their retirement pot as per the regulations. When searching for their schemes, members can use the scheme code, their employer name or the URL all of which are provided on their member benefit statements.