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Our investment only services

We recognise that trustees want choice and flexibility in implementing investment solutions. They also want the confidence that a robust and efficient investment platform is working on your members' behalf.

Our open-architecture investment platform meets all these requirements:


Our platform offers access to an extensive range of funds from Fidelity and other leading fund managers across a range of management styles, asset classes and risk profiles.


Our expertise gives us the agility to change managers, funds and asset allocation without impacting your employees. We can also tailor portfolios to suit any scheme.


We have a strong pedigree in managing high volumes of activity without compromising control or quality.

Blended solutions

Plan sponsors and their advisers can move new funds onto our platform and can construct bespoke tailored portfolios for the scheme providing the capability to change managers, funds and asset allocation without impacting your employees.

Advantages of a blended solution

  • Total flexibility for fund design and engineering
  • Management through our in-house investment administration department
  • Underlying fund prices ‘cleaned’ and included in all blended solutions on ‘transaction day’
  • Clear governance and audit trails with fully transparent process
  • Full price tracking of underlying Fidelity and fund partner funds
  • Broad range of fund rebalancing options
  • Option to use ongoing cash flow to rebalance portfolios
  • Clear and informative reporting for trustees, advisers and members

Contact us

Click on an image below to email one of the team directly, or use the phone numbers provided.

Patrick Granger

Director, Workplace Investing Relationship Management

James Monk

Investment Director, Workplace Investing


Fidelity’s online reporting system, FidelityView, provides Trustees, Administrators and Consultants with scheme level information, including: valuations, transactions, unit balances and other useful information such as fund factsheets and prices.